Hyperpigmentation for Black Skin – Causes & Treatments

When part of your skin gets darker compared to the skin around it, this is referred to as hyperpigmentation. It is not entirely a medical condition and therefore, should not cause any alarm when you experience it. Hyperpigmentation can manifest itself as tiny dark specks or it may extend over huge areas such as the whole body.

Even though hyperpigmentation is harmless, it may be an indicator of an underlying medical condition. On account of this, it is important to be more knowledgeable on the various kinds of hyperpigmentation, its causes, recommended remedy as well as tips on how to prevent it. However, our main focus shall be on the treatment of hyperpigmentation for black skin.

hyperpigmentation black skin

Hyperpigmentation Concerning Black Skin

The coloring matter that is usually found in the skin is known as melanin. Compared to white skin, black skin contains more melanin. When this coloring matter in the skin is excess, this leads to hyperpigmentation. In black skin, excess pigmentation is quite common. In fact, for black people, hyperpigmentation is among the topmost diagnosed skin problems.

In most cases, increased pigmentation is more severe and takes longer to clear for people with black skin. These people may not experience any physical harm from hyperpigmentation but may suffer psychological distress due to their skin appearance.

Most Regular Kinds of Hyperpigmentation for Black Skin

There are multiple types of hyperpigmentation, with the most ordinary ones being:

  1. Melasma – This is linked to the fluctuation of hormones. It is quite common in women who are either pregnant or under birth control. Dark patches mainly tend to appear on the face and around the stomach.
  2. Age spots/ sun spots – Tiny dark specks appear on areas of the skin that are regularly exposed to the sun and too much heat. Some of these parts include the forehead, neck, and arms. Liver spots are also another term that is given to this type of hyperpigmentation.
  3. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation – This is the resulting discoloration when the skin was previously damaged either through acne or an injury, leading to increased pigmentation.

Causes Of Hyperpigmentation for Black Skin

  1. Medicines such as antibiotics
  2. Medical conditions
  3. Hormonal changes
  4. Ultraviolet radiation
  5. Aging

How Is Hyperpigmentation Treated for Black Skin?

The treatment for hyperpigmentation for black skin can be broken down into three different kinds of remedies:

1.      Cosmetic techniques

These procedures aim to lighten the areas of the skin that are darker than the rest. A few of these procedures include:

  • Laser therapy – Laser streaks are charged into the skin, focusing on the dark patch.
  • Microdermabrasion – An exfoliator is used to perform a thorough scrub on the face. This procedure gets rid of dead skin cells, including those in the excessively dark region.
  • Chemical peels – The outer layer of dead skin cells is broken down using an exfoliating component with the ability to allow flawless and immaculate skin to emerge on the surface.

Cosmetic procedures are quite costly and on top of this, the components used to get rid of dark specks may cause more harm if your skin is very sensitive. Therefore, before undergoing any of the above procedures, be keen to consult a credible dermatologist to recommend the best remedy depending on your skin type.

2.      Topical creams

These creams are applicants fashioned to be used on a particular part of the body. Topical creams for treating hyperpigmentation are designed to be used on the dark regions only since they contain a skin-lightening constituent. Some of these skin-lightening components are kojic acid, vitamin C, and hydroquinone. A dermatologist’s prescription should be used, to offer guidelines on the most suitable cream to use, influenced by components that are harmless to your skin.

3.      Home remedies

Several home remedies are safe and gentle on the skin but may not be effective enough to clear dark patches. Whenever you are experimenting with a home product, it is wise to use a small quantity on a single patch and monitor to see if there is any progress. Some products may irritate your skin while others may be helpful.

Aloe vera, green tea extract, apple cider vinegar, tomato paste, and milk are a few of the home remedies that can be applied to the areas of the skin with hyperpigmentation. However, some of these home products might require to be diluted before applying them directly to your skin. They also have step-by-step procedures on how they should be used, for the best results.

Prevention is better than cure. Consequently, we will conclude by briefly taking a look at two main ways in which hyperpigmentation for black skin can be prevented. Regular use of sunscreen as well as wearing clothes that shield you from excessive sunlight are the most fundamental tips to preventing hyperpigmentation on black skin.

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