Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP)
Treatment & IPRF for Hair Loss / Growth In Milton Keynes

Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP) Treatment & IPRF for Hair Loss / Growth In Milton Keynes

At Shujo we use a cutting edge, proven, fast and safe new technology, called IPRF.
PRP and IPRF injections are an autologous procedure that involves a small amount of blood being drawn from the body using a method of venipuncture, before being processed using a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma in the blood.

This treatment consists of:

This treatment targets:

Microneedling creates a series of micro-trauma that warrants a healing response in a manner that covers the entire area of the scalp. This together with the applied Platelet-Rich Plasma will stimulate growth activities in the cells.

PRF treatment is usually administered as a course of 3 or 4 treatments with a 2-4 week interval. After your initial treatment you might want to have a single session once to twice a year to maintain the results

PRF intensifies the functioning and reproduction of cells, thus having a gentle, gradual yet long lasting and accumulative effect. Of course, i-PRF results are all the more impressive when incorporated into a treatment plan with hyaluronic acid fillers, wrinkle-relaxing treatments and other skin treatments. Producing virtually no downtime, this clinic based treatment can be used for skin and hair rejuvenation as well as treating problematic melasma and acne scars.

Fibrin functions as a matrix that traps the platelets and controls their release of growth factors “very slowly and continuously over a time period of more than one week”. Growth factors release rate into the target tissue is important for tissue receptors to respond over a prolonged period of time following treatment.

Microneedling creates a series of micro-trauma that warrants a healing response in a  manner that covers the entire area of the scalp. This together with the applied Platelet-Rich Plasma will stimulate growth activities in the cells.  

Treatment Overview

Procedure Duration

60 mins


6 sessions required every 1-2 weeks. For maintenance 1 session every 6 months.

Pain Levels

Mild, local anesthesia applied

Side Effects

Tender scalp

Expected Results

Much healthier and thicker hair and regrowth, prevents hair loss

Return to work



No downtime

Duration of results

12 months

Pricing :

PRP/iprf Hair Growth Regeneration (6 sessions required every 2-4 weeks
then single session once to twice a year to maintain the results.)
£250 per session
60 Min.
Package of 6
6-12 weeks course