Mesotherapy Skin Boosters
In Milton Keynes

Mesotherapy involves multiple injections of specially prepared cocktails of medical grade pharmaceuticals including hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals, plant extracts, enzymes and amino acids

Mesotherapy Skin Boosters
In Milton Keynes

Mesotherapy involves multiple injections of specially prepared cocktails of medical grade pharmaceuticals including hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals, plant extracts, enzymes and amino acids

Mestotherapy Skin Boosters can be used on the face, body or hair (scalp) and targets:

Depending on your needs we use the following at Shujo Aesthetics:


PROFHILO® contains one of the highest concentrations of stabilized hyaluronic acid on the market.

Because it is thermally bonded and not chemically bonded it acts as a hydrator not a filler. It is injected just underneath the surface of the skin where it disperses quickly and reacts with your own tissue to instantly boost hydration.

Over the next four weeks phase two kick in as it goes to work boosting elastin and collagen production. This effectively remodels the skin and giving it a plumper, smoother and firmer appearance.


Profhilo is performed in two treatments, with 2-4 week intervals between the first and second treatments.

Then a third treatment can follow, another three to six months after.

For more details of our Profhilo Treatment click here

HA (16mg/ml) without BDDE: high molecular weight (H-HA) + low molecular weight (L-HA) HA. specific and patented treatment of the solution (NAHYCO® Hybrid Technology), the H-HA and L-HA chains, contained in PROFHILO®, interact with each other providing unique rheological characteristics and thus allowing the administration of higher concentrations of HA without increasing the viscosity. The formulation of HA with different molecular weights contained in PROFHILO® is based on Hydrolift® Action.

Treatment Overview

Procedure Duration

60 mins


2 sessions 1 month apart. Can maintain every 3-6 months

Pain Levels


Side Effects

Mild injection bumps

Expected Results

Much more hydrated, tighter and glowing skin, Collagen build

Return to work



No downtime

Duration of results

3-6 months

Pricing :


(2 Session required)
60 Min.