
The Science Behind RF Microneedling: Transforming Skin in a Single Treatment

Have you ever noticed that some people seem to have stopped aging? They are in their forties, fifties or even sixties but have smooth and radiant skin like children. In addition to good genes, many of these people have taken advantage of advanced skincare procedures such as RF microneedling. But what is this treatment and how does it manage to work wonders? This article will explore the science behind RF Microneedling and its ability to transform your skin.

First things first: What’s RF Microneedling?

RF microneedling, in other words, radiofrequency microneedling or simply microneedling, is a combination therapy that gives great results when it comes to reversing signs of aging. The abbreviations stand for radiofrequency which means heat energy; therefore, these two technologies can do miracles together on your complexion.

In simple words – imagine small needles making microscopic holes within deep layers of your dermis while at the same time supplying them with thermal energy (heat). That is exactly what happens during an RF Microneedle procedure. I agree it may sound a bit painful or overwhelming but trust me once again – outcome justifies everything!

How does micro needling work?

Let us start with microneeding itself. We use a special device covered by tiny needles creating hundreds punctures per square inch into topmost layer called epidermis (uppermost covering). Now don’t be scared away! These minute injuries are rather helpful because they provoke natural wound healing response within our bodies leading subsequent collagen production among others processes responsible for firmness and youthfulness.

Once irritated this way – body starts producing more elastic fibers along with another protein known as collagen type one which together give tightness elasticity back hence reducing appearance of wrinkles fine lines etcetera.

Radio Frequency: Adding Heat Energy into Equation

But here comes even more fascinating part… As needles continue working their magic beneath your skin surface, radiofrequency waves are introduced to further accelerate repair mechanisms. This energy travels through entire device in form electrical currents before being converted into thermal vibrations at deeper levels.

The generated temperatures cause contraction of dermal tissues resulting instant firming effect on treated areas. And wait – there’s still more! The same heat also stimulates synthesis those two key proteins responsible for keeping our complexions supple – elastin fiber bundles and collagen molecules themselves.

Now that we have learned how different types of microneedles work independently from one another, let us consider what will happen when they combined together during RF Treatment?

But here’s the thing – it doesn’t just do this during treatment. It keeps doing it for weeks, even months afterwards. Which means your results keep getting better and better. It’s like Christmas every morning!

The Unsung Hero: Elastin

While collagen steals most of the spotlight, there is another important protein that often goes unrecognized: elastin. This protein is responsible for allowing your skin to bounce back into place after you smile or make any other expression that stretches it out. The production of elastin is also boosted by RF microneedling, helping to keep the skin youthful and resilient.

Addressing a Host of Skin Concerns

What we love about RF microneedling more than anything else is its incredible versatility. This means we can use it to successfully address a wide range of complaints:

  • Fine Lines & Wrinkles: Collagen helps to fill in and plump up those annoying little lines.
  • Acne Scars: By breaking up old scar tissue with micro-injuries, this treatment encourages new collagen to form and fill out pitted scars.
  • Large Pores: Increased collagen around pore openings can make them appear smaller.
  • Skin Laxity: Immediate tightening combined with long-term collagen production = firmer skin all round.
  • Uneven Skin Texture: Controlled damage prompts healing; healing leads to smoother, refined skin texture overall.

The Healing Process – Your Skin’s Time to Shine

Your skin undergoes several stages of repair following an RF microneedling session. At first, you will notice some redness and swelling – this is normal! Inflammation is your body’s way of sending healing factors and nutrients to places that need them most.

For a few days afterwards, you might feel like your skin is dry or rough in patches. Don’t worry, this just means there are lots of fresh new cells being generated as old ones shed away – think of it as giving your face a spring clean!

Over the next few weeks is when the real magic happens: clearer, brighter, tighter-looking skin will begin to emerge. And don’t forget, because collagen keeps being made as a result of this treatment, things will continue getting better for months afterwards.

It’s amazing how RF microneedling actually works. We are able to use two devices that combine the power of radiofrequency (RF) energy and tiny needles (microneedling) to cause controlled damage deep down in your skin – where all those lovely healing and rejuvenation processes take place naturally.

So it’s not just about looking younger (though you’ll certainly get that too!). This treatment can actually help you have healthier, more resilient skin from within. It resets your complexion back to its original ‘factory settings’ if you like, enabling cells to function at their optimum level once again.

If this has piqued your curiosity even slightly then I urge you…come and see us at Shujo Aesthetics in milton keynes for an initial consultation. Let’s talk about how RF microneedling could work wonders with your unique skin needs and goals.
